How Much Caffeine is Too Much Caffeine?

Personally, there’s a very narrow line I have to walk when it comes to caffeine. Caffeine can be really taxing on the adrenals. As I work to heal my adrenal fatigue, the timing of caffeine, as well as the amount, makes a big difference. The right amount of coffee makes me feel like I can rock the day, and just a little too much and I’m dealing with digestive issues, anxiety, brain fog and lack of focus. Can you relate to the love-hate relationship? If so, let’s talk about how much caffeine is too much caffeine.
Where is caffeine found?
Caffeine has been identified in more than 60 plant species and history suggests that it may have been consumed as far back as the Paleolithic period.

Currently, the most common dietary source of caffeine is coffee, but cocoa beverages, soft drinks, energy drinks, and specialized sports foods and supplements also contribute to regular intake.

Caffeine is also present in many prescription and nonprescription medications, including some taken for headache, pain relief, cold, appetite control, staying awake, asthma, and fluid retention.

What effects does caffeine have on the body?

After ingestion, caffeine is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream. Once it’s in the bloodstream, caffeine promptly gets absorbed into body tissues and crosses over multiple barriers in the body, including the blood-brain barrier (a roadblock between your bloodstream and your brain which is there to protect your brain from toxins), the blood-placenta barrier for pregnant ladies, and the blood-testis barrier for men. Caffeine peaks in the blood anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours.
Caffeine is considered a drug because of its stimulant effects on the nervous system. It has been found to positively influence mental performance, increase energy, and improve mood.

Caffeine has been found to have a role in the prevention of physical degeneration from Parkinson’s disease and studies have also shown that chronic caffeine consumption has been linked to a significantly lower risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases (meaning diseases that affect the brain and nervous system), such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Other benefits of caffeine consumption include improved mental alertness, speed reasoning, and memory, weight loss, improved physical performance during endurance exercise, and protection against certain skin cancers.

Negative side effects associated with caffeine include nervousness, anxiety, sleeplessness, irritability, dehydration, stomach upset, diarrhea, nausea, increased heart rate, and both psychological and physical dependence.
What are the tolerable limits?

In adult men and non-pregnant women, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration considers 400 milligrams (about 4 cups of brewed coffee) a safe amount of caffeine for healthy adults to consume daily. 

Pregnant women should limit their caffeine intake to 200 mg a day (about 2 cups of brewed coffee), according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that children under age 12 should not consume any food or beverages with caffeine. For adolescents 12 and older, caffeine intake should be limited to no more than 100 mg daily.  It may be worth noting, however, that many cultures around the world do introduce teas that may contain caffeine to children as young as two years old.

For comparison: 

  • 8oz of coffee contains 100mg of caffeine

  • 8oz of green tea contains 35 mg of caffeine

  • a can of soda contains anywhere from 40-72 mg of caffeine

  • energy drinks can range from 20-400mg+ of caffeine (yes, per drink!)

  • and caffeine content of drugs varies from 16 mg to 200 mg per tablet

How to decide how much caffeine is right for you

People have different tolerances and responses to caffeine. Take inventory of how you feel when you drink something caffeinated, and decide for yourself what makes sense.
If you feel jittery, anxious, or addicted to the rush, then perhaps you should pull back on the caffeine and opt for a chemical-free Swiss Water® Process decaf coffee or naturally uncaffeinated herbal tea. If you’re ultimately feeling better with less, then follow your body’s cues.

If you struggle with adrenal fatigue or thyroid dysfunction, I don't recommend consuming caffeine on an empty stomach. Consuming caffeine with food, or after food, can help lessen the impact on the body's blood sugar. High blood sugar responses are very stressful on the body and can lead to more fatigue, and the feeling of 'needing' more caffeine. 
Keep in mind that not all caffeinated products are created equal! Opting for organic, whole-food sources of caffeine, like coffee, tea, or cacao is going to provide other additional nutrients that will benefit your body. Avoid sodas, energy drinks, and other highly processed items with artificial sources of caffeine - they are unnatural and can cause inflammation and other negative side effects. 

Healthy Blessings,
Karri, FNTP

P.S. I'm accepting new clients for my 90 day Functional Nutritional Therapy Program. Program details HERE. Click HERE to book a complimentary 20 minute Discovery Call to discuss your health goals and determine if Nutritional Therapy is the right fit for you. 

Other reminders: 
The RESTART Program: more class dates will be  announced soon!  More details on the RESTART Program HERE.

If you need to order supplements, here's the link: FULLSCRIPT.  While my dispensary catalog is open for you to search everything offered from Fullscript, if you go to Favorites from the menu, there are categories within Favorites.  Favorites are my preferred brands - the brands that meet my quality standards.  There is also an autoship option from the main menu, in case you have certain supplements that you would like delivered at a certain frequency.

Karri Ball