Do You Have Aluminum Toxicity?

Aluminum is a heavy metal and potent neurotoxin. Like many toxic metals, aluminum accumulates over the course of a lifetime, and has an affinity for the soft tissues of the body, especially the brain.

I see some amount of aluminum exposure in almost EVERY person I test. Aluminum is used in SO MANY everyday products, it's making aluminum toxicity a big problem. Do you know how many ways YOU might be exposed to aluminum daily?
Some of the most common exposures of aluminum include: antiperspirants, aluminum cookware, tap water, antacids, beverages and food packaged in aluminum cans, food wrapped in aluminum foil, bleached flour, baking powder, table salt, dental work, and medical interventions that use aluminum as an adjuvant.
After exposure, metals are quickly moved from the bloodstream and sequestered in the soft tissues, including the hair. This is why hair tissue mineral analysis is the best screening tool to get a snapshot of what is occurring in the body. You can see that this hair test below is showing a person with a very high aluminum exposure.

Aluminum toxicity may contribute to memory loss, dementia, fatigue, behavior difficulties and skin rashes. It may also affect bowel activity and cause digestive disturbances.

Aluminum toxicity is most commonly related to Alzheimer's disease. All seven of the largest epidemiological studies comparing aluminum in drinking water with incidence of Alzheimer’s disease found a significant dose-dependent correlation. In addition, brain autopsies of Alzheimer’s patients show elevated aluminum levels in brain regions suffering the most neuronal loss. You can learn more about aluminum and Alzheimer’s

It’s important to remember that you are more vulnerable to heavy metal exposure if you are low in essential minerals. This is because minerals protect our tissues against heavy metals.

There are ways to naturally help the body excrete aluminum. The first step is to identify all the exposures in the environment and eliminate them - stop using aluminum cans and foil, switch antiperspirant for a less toxic deodorant, get a water filter for your water that removes aluminum and other heavy metals, etc.

When we have a hair tissue mineral analysis, we can assess mineral patterns and put a customized plan in place to correct mineral imbalances – both deficiencies and excesses. For example, the function of sodium and potassium can be impeded by aluminum. Ensuring these minerals are adequate can ensure protection from the effects of aluminum exposure.
If you suspect you have heavy metal exposure, I highly recommend a hair tissue mineral analysis to determine your toxin load and create a personalized plan. 

HERE to book a complimentary Discovery Call to discuss your health goals and determine if hair tissue mineral analysis is the right fit for you. 

Healthy Blessings,
Karri, FNTP

Other reminders:  

The RESTART Program: Fall class dates will be  announced soon!  More details on the RESTART Program and to get added to the waitlist HERE.

If you need to order supplements, here's the link: 
FULLSCRIPT.  While my dispensary catalog is open for you to search everything offered from Fullscript, if you go to Favorites from the menu, there are categories within Favorites.  Favorites are my preferred brands - the brands that meet my quality standards.  There is also an autoship option from the main menu, in case you have certain supplements that you would like delivered at a certain frequency.

Karri Ball