Could mineral deficiencies be at the root of your health issues?

In a previous post, I talked a little about why minerals are so important. They are not just critically important, they are ESSENTIAL to life. Minerals are known as the spark plugs of life. They are needed for millions of enzymes as co-factors, facilitators, inhibitors and as part of the enzymes themselves. As a result, they have a great deal to do with our health, or the presence of illness. By analyzing mineral imbalances in the body, one can learn a lot about the causes and correction of hundreds of common physical and mental health conditions.

How do you know if you are starving for minerals? What are some symptoms of mineral imbalances?

Fatigue or diminished stamina, depression, anxiety, hypoglycemia or blood sugar dysregulation, weight fluctuations, poor digestion - diminished ability to tolerate fats and meats, cold hands and feet - tendency to feel cold, lack of, or excessive sweating, dry skin and dry hair, tendency towards constipation, hyperactivity, irritability, nervousness, occasional tendency towards frequent bowel movements or diarrhea during times of stress, oily hair and skin, atherosclerosis, female problems, hypercholesterolemia, allergies, asthma, headaches, immune deficiency, female problems, infections, insomnia, liver problems, skin problems (eczema, acne, hives, psoriasis, skin rashes), behavior problems, emotional instability, aggressiveness, impulsiveness, diabetes, hypertension…

The majority of us can find ourselves on that list at least a couple of times. The truth is, as a population, most of us do not live within a minerally balanced body (and mind!) and we struggle day in and day out to cope. We live with some level of dysfunction or chemistry imbalance. Yet, many of us today are simply not educated on what steps we can take and the proper nutrition to reverse many, if not all, of these symptoms. We think it’s ‘normal’ to feel this way and accept it as part of aging or genetics. We don’t stop to ask ourselves if we have a choice in how we function, but we do! And that’s hopeful and empowering, if you make that choice.

What is so interesting, is that if we took a quick peek at the issues that can arise from any one of our 4 major macro-minerals being out of balance or deficient, we can see how easy it is to have one or many of the issues/symptoms listed above. There isn’t just one, but many minerals are needed for certain symptoms, like insomnia, anxiety, depression: we need multiple minerals for proper function! This is why proper testing is so essential to determining your personal imbalances.

If you are ready to get clearer answers on how to support your own health and your body so you can make the right supplement and lifestyle changes, I invite you book a discovery call with me to chat more about your health. Schedule a Discovery Call HERE. If you want that 'spark' in your health and life, digging into your own mineral balance will be key.

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In Health & Happiness,

Karri, FNTP

Karri Ball